This is a little booklet I've had around for MANY years. I'm not sure exactly when it was published, but it is pre-ZIP code. One thing of interest - it has a section titled "How Old is Old Enough?" Here is the first paragraph:
How old is old enough for your boy or girl to handle firearms? Usually youngster are old enough to start shooting when they have shown a sense of responsibility in other fields. This may be 12, 13, or 14 years of age.
Interesting, especially in light of the recent shooting death of a 2 year old girl by her 5 year old brother. He shot her with the 22 he was given as a Christmas gift.
It seems the NRA used to advocate safe and sane gun handling. Now their only interest seems to be to bow to the gun manufacturers and advocate buying guns - more and more, and more, guns. Guns for everyone. Pink guns for girls, fearsome weapons for young men, guns for every occasion.