Friday, August 20, 2010


My dad gave this little jeep to my mom when he went into the Army in 1941. Fortunately, he kept it out of my reach when I was growing up, so it's still in pretty decent condition!

It measures 4" long, and is stamped tin, with no type of lettering or identification to say who made it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

HIS Cologne

Many, many years ago - probably in the early 1950s, someone gave this bottle of cologne to my dad. It sat on a shelf in the bathroom for as long as I can remember. You can still smell the scent - not bad really. I sure don't remember him ever wearing it, though - I bet it evaporated!

I just think the bottle is TOO TOO COOL though!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pee-wee and Chairry

My sister gave me these two wonderful things several years ago, after I had admired them in her shop. I think they are TOO COOL, and I love that the Jim Beam pot-bellied stove decanter is right in scale with them!

Nick and I spend a LOT of time at our local thrift stores. Most of the things we buy aren't thing we need, but we get them because we either just like them, or because we think we will be able to re-purpose them. For example, we recently bought a 1930s sewing machine cabinet - not to use for a sewing machine, but to put a basin-style sink on to use in Nick's bathroom!

This little guy is an alien mask we bought for a quarter, wearing a Jack Link hat. I think it's TOO COOL!

Some things are TOO TOO COOL!

Okay, most everyone has stuff laying around that they just can't bring themselves to toss. Why? Because sometimes it is just too cool!

Then there are people like me, who just have WAY too much stuff - but who's to say if it is too cool or not?

I decided to start this blog to show some of my "treasures" to the world.

At least -I- think they're cool!